Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another day in paradise

Day # ? don't know, don't really care, island time! Been spending some quality time in our 'private pool' that no one in the condo seems to use - also elicits some weird stares from people on the street like it's totally insane to be swimming - why have a pool if you're not going to use it?

Spent a good couple hours today at the Sim Lim super computer store complex, 6 stories and 390,000 square feet of jam packed super geeky techy fun, bought myself a nice wide screen monitor for a decent price and now my home away from home office is nearly complete.

Time for food and beer - happy made up holiday to y'all!



mamma llamma said...

Wow- this is my first blog experience! As you sleep I am getting ready to groom rabbits and clean rabbit cages. Oh the excitement of Kingston. There is almost sun but thinking about you swimming and relaxing by the pool does not make me love you more. Have a great weekend exploring. I am just glad you escaped the giant computer store. This land of retail may turn you into a captain of capitalism. Love, Mama Llama

Anonymous said...

This is our first time posting to a blog...Loved hearing from you and look forward to much more from Asia.

Much Love from Las Vegas..
Tia Susie and Mark

Anonymous said...

How come you sound like you are on vacation, Dave? Not to make you jealous, but I awoke to a beautiful sunny morning that urged me to take a run down to Kerry Park where the fog was lifting like a misty curtain above the Seattle skyline. That image should bring you home, right?
AF Roh

Kyrsa & Dave said...

angela,you did paint one of my favorite pictures of Seattle -- one of the best loops to run on a lovely seattle day. ahhh.... :)
