Friday, February 22, 2008

Geek Out!

She's one hell of a big b*tch. Super cool to see it fly - also nice to see that at least the 'dark period' in my life at very minimum had some tangible results. The most shocking thing is how quiet it was even at a full throttle, high angle departure. I'll have some more photos on flickr soon... Sadly they wouldn't let us on board as it was full of flight test equipment - oh well, I'll just have to buy a ticket to Sydney.

Did get to check out quite a few installations of Korry product on various aircraft and that was cool - and also nice to see that final product does look professional.

Let's see what else - got a sunburn, saw a bunch of really cool technology, almost bought a large model airplane then thought better of it as I have no good way to get that home - oh yeah and I sweated my you-know-whats off standing on a tarmac watching acrobatics and flyovers for two hours - good times

OK, it's Friday evening, time for beer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dave, Just heard today that Airbus beat out Boeing for the AF tanker program, huge loss for Boeing.