Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Today I got to experience my very first migraine - what a strange sensation. Started out my day same as normal, roll out of bed, brush teeth, make coffee, turn on the computer, yadda yadda. So I'm sitting here reading the latest drama on the pathetic Sonics when I realize that everything I focus on kinda disappears, or blends into the background- I'm thinking this is weird, maybe I have some sleep in my eyes or something - go wash my face - come back and it's still happening. Not quite at freakout mode yet, but am thinking WTF? So I move away from the computer and go to the window to try something else, and while I'm trying to focus on roof across the street I fail to focus on any specific details for any length of time and I'm also visualizing these weird zig-zag stair step artifacts in my peripheral vision... very eerie, and very disconcerting (especially as no drugs are involved -this is Singapore!). At this point I start checking my motor skills and speech and whatnot thinking this can't be good - head back to the computer and start typing in symptoms into Google, reading what I can, and about this point in time I start feeling a headache come on from the back of my head, and I'm really weirded out, start thinking to myself "what is the emergency # in Singapore anyway?" (999 by the way) -when I happen upon the Mayo clinics site and it turns out I'm having a Classic Migraine with Auras - and a really typical one at that. So as I discover this the headache spreads from the back through to the front of my head then settles over my right hemisphere - where it stays for the next 4 hours, and my vision promptly returns to normal.

The headache was not excruciatingly painful, more annoying and a bit much to work - definitely once the mild nausea set in I was stuck on the couch for the duration. Once it was over it everything was good again- very weird, I feel for everyone who has to deal with those on a regular basis... A happy Wednesday to you all, -Dave


ReckenRoll said...

oh that is a sadcakes! Sorry to hear it.

Unknown said...

Whoa, don't ignore something like that, maybe I'm a little paranoid but anything out of the ordinary should be checked out. Just do it!
How about Kansas by the way? What a great game!