Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Realize it's been a bit since our last post...

... overall the last few weeks have been filled with the normalcies of life: work + food + sleeping + daily tasks. Yes, it's not a 'vacation' simply because you're on the other side of the world :) For most part, it's the same 'ol thing, interspersed with interesting "non-Seattle" moments.

A few of the highlights include:
  • A piece of home via a visit from our friends Greg & Rachel. Good sports who dealt with the monsoon-ing, embraced the Mustafa shopping center, and were generally up for anything we/Singapore threw their way. And, they delivered duty-free liquor to our door ;)
  • A harbor cruise, on a beautiful sunny day, with only good company (see 'above') and a questionable boat.
  • Seeing the entire population of Singapore out at 10pm on Sunday night to watch a Liverpool/ManU soccer game. Restaurants & hawker centers on every block, setting up big screens, people crowded around. Expats were in the minority. Would give the George & Dragon a run for it's $$.
  • A Northwest moment, renting bikes to ride around Pulau Ubin Island a stone's throw away from Singapore. AND getting back to the mainland 3 min. before a 3 hour rain shower like I've never seen.
  • Hearing of new babies, jobs, adventures, engagements and birthday celebrations from friends & family all over the globe.
More soon ...

1 comment:

Takayoshi said...

Yeah. Sometimes I feel as if I'm living on the other end of the world in Tacoma.

Hopefully no more monsoons! Hey, it snowed today over here!